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Electron Heating in Low Mach Number Perpendicular shocks. II. Dependence on the Pre-Shock Conditions

机译:低马赫数的电子加热垂直冲击。 II。依赖   在预冲击条件下



Recent X-ray observations of merger shocks in galaxy clusters have shown thatthe post-shock plasma is two-temperature, with the protons being hotter thanthe electrons. In this work, the second of a series, we investigate by means oftwo-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations the efficiency of electronirreversible heating in perpendicular low Mach number shocks. We considervalues of plasma beta (ratio of thermal and magnetic pressures) in the range$4\lesssim \beta_{p0}\lesssim 32$ and sonic Mach number (ratio of shock speedto pre-shock sound speed) in the range $2\lesssim M_{s}\lesssim 5$, asappropriate for galaxy cluster shocks. As shown in Paper I, magnetic fieldamplification - induced by shock compression of the pre-shock field, or bystrong proton cyclotron and mirror modes accompanying the relaxation of protontemperature anisotropy - can drive the electron temperature anisotropy beyondthe threshold of the electron whistler instability. The growth of whistlerwaves breaks the electron adiabatic invariance, and allows for efficiententropy production. We find that the post-shock electron temperature $T_{e2}$exceeds the adiabatic expectation $T_{e2,\rm ad}$ by an amount$(T_{e2}-T_{e2,\rm ad})/T_{e0}\simeq 0.044 \,M_s (M_s-1)$ (here, $T_{e0}$ isthe pre-shock temperature), which depends only weakly on the plasma beta, overthe range $4\lesssim \beta_{p0}\lesssim 32$ which we have explored, and on theproton-to-electron mass ratio (the coefficient of $\simeq 0.044$ is measuredfor our fiducial $m_i/m_e=49$, and we estimate that it will decrease to $\simeq0.03$ for the realistic mass ratio). Our results have important implicationsfor current and future observations of galaxy cluster shocks in the radio band(synchrotron emission and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect) and at X-ray frequencies.
机译:最近的X射线观察表明,银河团团合并冲击的结果是,休克后等离子体的温度是两个温度,质子比电子还热。在本系列的第二篇文章中,我们通过二维粒子模拟研究了垂直低马赫数激波中电子不可逆加热的效率。我们将等离子贝塔值(热和电磁压力比)的范围定为$ 4 \ lesssim \ beta_ {p0} \ lesssim 32 $,而声速马赫数(冲击速度与震前声速的比)范围为$ 2 \ lesssim M_ {s} \ lesssim 5 $,适用于星系团撞击。如论文I所示,磁场的增强-由预激波场的冲击压缩引起,或者由质子温度各向异性松弛引起的强质子回旋和镜像模式引起-可以使电子温度各向异性超过电子哨声不稳定性的阈值。惠斯勒波的增长打破了电子绝热不变性,并允许产生有效的熵。我们发现,震荡后的电子温度$ T_ {e2} $超过绝热期望$ T_ {e2,\ rm ad} $的量为$(T_ {e2} -T_ {e2,\ rm ad})/ T_ {e0} \ simeq 0.044 \,M_s(M_s-1)$(此处,$ T_ {e0} $是电击前的温度),仅弱于血浆β,在$ 4 \ lesssim \ beta_ {p0}范围内我们已经探索过的\ lesssim 32 $,以及质子与电子的质量比(对于我们的基准$ m_i / m_e = 49 $测得的$ \ simeq 0.044 $系数,我们估计它将降低到$ \ simeq0实际质量比为0.03美元)。我们的研究结果对当前和未来在无线电波段(同步加速器发射和Sunyaev-Zel'dovich效应)和X射线频率的星系团撞击具有重要意义。



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